Tag: SCI

In a first, US scientists have monitored a spring fish migration through DNA tests on water samples, a study said on Wednesday.....

NASA has released its latest global maps of Earth at night, providing the "clearest yet composite" view of the patterns of human settlement across our planet.....

Saturn's icy moon Enceladus has a form of chemical energy that life can feed on, researchers with NASA's Cassini mission to Saturn have revealed.....

Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated to the nation the 3,300 MW Koradi Thermal Power Plant here on Friday.....

The Indian Institute of Technology - Kharagpur is working with Google to develop a Bengali treebank to help understand grammatical structure of Bengali texts as well as their meaning, to enhance the online experience of a Bengali language user, a statement said on Friday.....

NASA has approved a project to build instruments for a future European Space Agency mission to Jupiter and its moons, scheduled for launch in 2022.....

Analysing how glaciers are shaped can help scientists identify which one of them are susceptible to thinning, says a study.....

Twitter quietly released support for third-party two-factor authentication applications enabling the twitterati to now use these apps to protect their accounts, a media report said.....

A rocky exoplanet orbiting in the habitable zone of a red dwarf star 40 light-years from the Earth may be the best place scientists have found so far to look for signs of life beyond the Solar System, say astronomers who discovered it.....

The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) is India's first public hospital to start plaque brachytherapy facility for the treatment of eye tumours, a statement said on Sunday.....